Before and After-School Enrichment (2025)

The Y is proud to partner with local school districts to enhance kids' out-of-school time. Through our school enrichment programs, we provide high-quality, active learning opportunities designed to engage and expand young minds.

The Y's Before and After-School Enrichment (BASE)programs provide a safe and caring place outside of the classroom for kids to experience active play, arts, STEM, and other hands-on learning activities. We provide continued structure for kids while encouraging skill-building, creative exploration, physical activity, and, most of all, fun.

Our School District Partners

We partner with school districts across King and south Snohomish countiesto provide our programs at your local elementary school.Click on the links below to learn aboutprograms in your district, includingcontact informationfor your specific location, and details on how to register.

Auburn School District

Edmonds School District

Highline Public Schools

Kent School District

Lake Washington School District

Northshore School District

Seattle Public Schools

Shoreline Public Schools

Snoqualmie Valley School District


Why the Y?

At the Y, we're dedicated to helping every child learn, grow, and thrive.

Affordable for All

Before and After-School Enrichment (1)

Every kid deserves the benefits of quality youth programsand family financial situations should not be a barrier to this.The Y accepts Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) and City of Seattle Child Care Assistance Programs (CCAP) subsidiesat many locations. Financial assistance is also available via this online form.

Evidence-Based Curriculum

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SCALED Learning™, the Y’s holistic before and after-schoolcurriculum, presents kids with new challenges as they reach each stage of development. It is designed to helpkids grow in the classroom and out in the world through engaging in STEM, hands-on arts, literacy, career-connected learning, diversity and global education, social development, and fun!

Highly Trained Staff

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Our caring and funstaff are highly skilled at providing school enrichment programs!Y staff are carefully screened and complete the 30 hours STARS class to become licensed providers through the state of Washington. Each year, they participate in at least 10 hours of continuing education through staff training days, learning modules, and on the job mentoring.

Birth to Graduation

Before and After-School Enrichment (4)

From toddlers through teens, the Y provides a caring community with programs that support early education, youth sports, healthy living, camp, and academics. As a trusted partner with community organizations, school districts, PTA groups, and local municipalities, the Y helps kids develop to their fullest potential in spirit, mind, and body.


YMCA Enrichment Programs Provide Lifelong Benefits

School-age kids spend 80 percent of their waking hours outside of school. Our after-schoolprograms provide a space fortransformative learning experiences in a caring setting during these critical hours that help young people discover what they love to do.

The Benefits of Y Before & After-School Enrichment Programs includes:

Instillinga Love of Learning

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  • Offering fun-focused learning allowingkids to step out of their comfort zone
  • Providing opportunities to experiment in a low-risk environment outside of school
  • Building self-assurance to express themselves and their ideas in the classroom
  • Increasing interest in classroom activities andexcitement for school

Promoting Social Skills

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  • Creating positive connections with cross-age classmates and staff members
  • Nurturing collaboration between children to develop their relationship skills
  • Developing the capacity to confidently meet and interact with new people
  • Instilling a sense of respect for others and how they should be treated
  • Honing social-emotional skills

Developing Future Leaders

Before and After-School Enrichment (7)

  • Cultivating collaboration skills through group play and good sportsmanship
  • Providing opportunities to lead and choose activities
  • Setting kids up for future successes by learning strong work habits and social skills
  • Building a sense of confidence to prepare them for the rest of their lives

Providing a Safe Place

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  • Keeping kids engaged and active during the hours of 3:00–6:00 pm when many parent are still at work
  • Providing a safe, supervised place with learning opportunities often missed when kids have no place to go after school
  • Giving parents a sense of comfort knowing kids are cared for during the critical hours when juvenile crimes peak


Stay Engaged with the Y

Camp & Outdoor Leadership

The YMCA has been the leader in Summer Camp for over 130 years. Over this time, we’ve fine-tuned our programs to meet youth and their families wherever they are in their journey with the outdoors.

Learn More

Family Room

Bring the Y's education and enrichment activities home! Try intentional moments to calm the soul, STEAM projects to keep minds moving and learning, and family games to share laughs and smiles.

Learn More

Swim Lessons

As the largest provider of swim lessons in the country, we strive to help all ages learn how to swim, so they can stay safe around water and learn the skills needed to make swimming a lifelong pursuit for healthy living.

Learn More

Before and After-School Enrichment (2025)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.